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ESG Goals & Progress

Our Refreshed Goals and Commitments

We’ve refreshed our goals to set new targets and better align with our near- and long-term business strategies.

2023 Goals and Progress

Our People

Goal2023 ProgressTarget Date
 85% or greater average annual employee engagement score 88%2023
15% or below voluntary employee turnover rate7%2023

100% of employees receive regular performance & career development reviews with ongoing support and development opportunities


Continue to implement our DEI strategy and roadmap, including supporting our Employee Resource Groups


Our People

  • Below Target
  • On or Above Target

Our Communities

Goal2023 ProgressTarget Date
Provide a philanthropic program supporting community organizations aligned with our Core Values, empowering employee-driven philanthropy 100%2023

90% or greater employee participation in our annual United Way Campaign


Maintain commitment to local jobs and community value through development and redevelopment projects


Our Communities

  • Below Target
  • On or Above Target

Ethics and Governance

Goal2023 ProgressTarget Date

As part of the Board's succession planning, at least 33% of its members will be either gender or ethnically diverse (i.e., members of underrepresented minorities)


75% or greater Board member attendance at all Board and Committee meetings


Ensure all employees receive annual Code of Business Conduct and Ethics training


Ethics & Governance

  • Below Target
  • On or Above Target

Environmental Stewardship

Goal2023 ProgressTarget DateCumulative '19-'23

28% absolute reduction in Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions *(1)(2)



30% like-for-like reduction in energy consumption within operational control *(2)



Generate on-site renewable energy equivalent to at least 10% of purchased electricity consumption based on operational control (2)


10% like-for-like reduction in water consumption based on operational control *(2)



Achieve a 35% waste diversion rate across all of our operating properties based on operational control (2)


Install electric vehicle charging stations at 50% or more of our properties (2)


Environmental Stewardship

  • Below Target
  • On or Above Target

* From the baseline year 2019.
(1) For comparability to 2023 and in accordance with Regency’s re-baseline policy, GHG emissions data for the baseline year 2019 have been recalculated to adjust for transactions completed between 2019 and 2023, including and triggered by Regency’s recent acquisition of UBP.
(2) For more details regarding Regency's calculation methodologies, please see footnotes within the Environmental Stewardship and Appendix sections of our report.


We’re committed to making consistent progress over time.

Progress Timeline

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